What is PIM software?

Product Information Management (PIM) systems such as Pronto Pricelist collect information, centralize data and distribute it efficiently across various channels

By Gloria
Pronto Pricelist staff

PIM (Product Information Management) is a type of software that collects, stores, processes and distributes all of a company’s data across multiple channels. PIM helps companies to manage product data from a single system and transmit it through any channel.

How to find product information? The principal problem of many companies is the collection of all the information distributed and managed by multiple departments, this slows down productivity and all business flows. The need of the sales office, purchasing office, marketing team, management systems etc. is to quickly find the correct and updated product information.

Product Information Management systems collect information, centralize data and distribute it on various channels. The PIM facilitates the retrieval of complete and updated information between the various company areas, centralizes the data in a single system and redistributes them on the desired channels (Mobile App, websites, E-commerce, catalogs, etc.) removing many business complexities in the process.

The advantages of PIM software

The centralized management of information saves time and costs, as well as reducing stress on the various company departments involved: lower costs, greater productivity.

Centralization of data in one place

Better sales performance thanks to complete and up-to-date product information

Greater productivity and quality of business flows

Organization, fast and independent data management

Time and cost savings in managing info

Product information is always updated, uniform and enriched

Sharing of data both within the company and with external suppliers

What does a PIM do?

Data collection

Collect all company data from different sources, in a single and organized container.

Importing the data

The PIM imports files of different formats (CSV, Excel, etc.) and allows you to even connect with third-party systems.

Organization of data

PIM organizes all your products, with immediate searches and visualization of the necessary information. The data is organized according to the priorities of the company, the needs of the teams and the sales channels.

Enrichment of data

Enrich your products offerings with descriptions, images, technical data, videos, documents, etc.

Editing of data

Easily edit your data and track all of your historic changes.

Update the data

PIM systems offer multi-channel information updates in real-time.


Facilitate the Translation of company information into as many languages as necessary.

Quality check

The PIM allows you to check the quality and completeness of the data, so as not to publish outdated, untranslated or incomplete product descriptions. The data is always updated and uniform across all devices.

Export the data

Choose what, how and when to export your data, anytime, anyplace.


Distribute your products in various sales channels (E-commerce, Sites, Mobile App, Catalogs etc.).


PIM drastically reduces of complexity and costly errors in the creation of product sheets and pricelists.

Pronto Pricelist is a Product Information Management (PIM) software that is easy to use and adaptable to all of your pricelist and catalog layout needs and quickly collects product information and distributes it to dedicated modules, optimizing your update times. 

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