Paper or digital catalog?

Why choose when you can have both with Pronto Pricelist

By Gloria
Pronto Pricelist staff

Catalogs, price lists etc. these are the timeless and crucial presentation and promotion materials that any company, from the smallest to the largest, creates and updates time after time after time. They are the communication and marketing tools that were born and established themselves when the web did not exist and still retain an undoubted value.

In the modern day the catalog is always created with the use of various layout software, therefore in digital mode, but the finished product can be of two types:

  1. Paper catalog
  2. Digital catalog
With Pronto Pricelist you can produce the paper and digital version of your catalogs with a single tool and a single data source.

Advantages of the paper catalog or pricelist

The paper catalog is still a valid sales tool today. It may have undergone reductions in circulation or production but it has significant advantages:

It offers constant brand visibility

The catalog is a physical object, always visible. It is kept on the counter or on a rack and can be consulted quickly. Thanks to this physical presence, the brand is continuously under the customer’s eyes.

Usability for all readers

In a world where there more and more digital natives who are able to quickly browse the online catalog, do a search and select a product, but the paper catalog is undoubtedly useful to people of all ages and digital fluency.

Ease of Readability

The interactivity of the smartphone, IPad or PC, are undoubtedly more lively and attractive to some but although navigation has been simplified, it is always necessary to click, zoom, scroll, with the risk of pressing in the wrong place or closing the page accidentally. On the other hand,  a well-formatted and complete page puts all the main features and benefits of the product right in front of the customer’s eyes.

Advantages of digital catalogs or pricelists

The digital catalog, however, has some very advantageous benefits also:

Lower cost

For the digital format, the printing cost is totally eliminated and only the graphic layout cost must be taken into consideration.


In the event of changes, additions or deletion of products, the catalog update is immediate. Any errors can also be corrected quickly.


Multimedia elements can be included in the digital catalog, such as videos and animations, links to other information sheets and contact forms.


The publication is always online and can be consulted at any time and with different types of devices, mobile or desktop.


Unlike paper, with a digital publication you can get a lot of information, such as consultation time, most viewed products, geographic and demographic data.

Digital or Paper catalogs: which is better?

As we have seen, they both have advantageous features and it is difficult to make a choice. The truth is that both are to be used, perhaps modulating the print copies according to the actual needs of the market, the sector, the target audience, the type of product. In some cases a digital catalog will be preferable, in others a printed copy will be preferred. 

With Pronto Pricelist you can create both versions. Find out how!

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