Why it is important to know how to use Excel?

From greater organization to more satisfied employees, there are multiple benefits to maximizing your business use of this most ubiquitous and powerful of office tools

By Gloria
Pronto Pricelist staff

The ability to organize, calculate and evaluate data are important skills needed in many fields today. They are commonly used in business and management decision making, which means they are extremely critical to top management.
Here are the main business advantages of knowing how to use Microsoft Excel in a professional and efficient manner, for the employee and for the company.

For the employee

Improve your skills

Advanced Excel training teaches you a broad range of skills, including the ability to:

  •  Display and manipulate data
  • Create complex equations to help you ask and answer questions about company finances, efficiency, workflows, inventories and much more
  • Clean and prepare the data for analysis
  • Design spreadsheets to arrange data in an intelligent and useful way
  • Analyze information quickly and accurately
  • Have a highly transferrable skillset
  • Solve business critial problems
  • Find and remove bugs in your workflow
  • Implement monitoring systems for a variety of services and operations

Increase efficiency

It is probably obvious how faster use of Excel can make your day more efficient. It is even more important, however, to understand that knowing Excel at an advanced level allows you to complete a variety of other tasks more quickly. Make decisions faster, find answers to questions instantly, and make progress in your projects much faster.

Grow your value as an employee

Obviously, since you have more skills to offer your company and you have become faster in your work, you quickly become more useful for the company. If you want to be indispensable in the eyes of your employer, it is important to continue to grow your value. Otherwise, you’ll find that someday someone else will come along who has all your skills – and more. You can avoid this by constantly learning, starting with Excel.

Simplify your work in ways you can’t imagine

Once you are really experienced, you will see that Excel involves the use of many shortcuts. These shortcuts are applicable not only in Microsoft Excel; you can use them in all your activities and also with other software. In a way, advanced Excel learning can help you become more proficient in using the entire suite of Microsoft products enabling you to become more proficient in ways you wouldn’t even have imagined. Speaking specifically of Excel, the advanced use of spreadsheets has a large number of applications. From monitoring activity to the organization of information to the search for data that you do not yet realize you have access to, Excel can give you a completely new vision of work and life.

Have fun working more

Yes, really! Research indicates that when you are better at your job, you have more fun. Nobody has to tell you, of course; all you have to do is think of a task you are not good at (terror) and a task you excel at (fun) and you will see the difference in how they make you feel. Learning advanced Microsoft Excel techniques can make you better at what you do, which in turn makes all of your tasks easier, which ultimately makes your job more rewarding overall.

For the company

Increase efficiency

Your employees will become much faster and more efficient and you will see that the time spent in training will be an overall savings for the company. After all, if an employee becomes more efficient, imagine how much time you will save if you multiply it by 10 or 20 people.

Use an existing asset

Many skills require an investment in other resources before they can be used. You may need to purchase special hardware, install new software on your company’s computers. The great thing about teaching your employees to use Excel more effectively is that it’s already installed on virtually every PC out there. There is no more efficient spreadsheet tool in the world, yet it is so ubiquitous that it is considered almost free, sitting there on your PC ready to assist you in a broad variety of ways.

Fast improvements

Most people with a basic understanding of Excel can move up to a fairly competent state in a week or two. Those who already have an intermediate level of understanding can get there in less time. Giving an employee the gift of new skills – and yourself the gift of more competent workers is a no-brainer.

Reduce the IT workload

If your departments don’t use Excel effectively, you’ll have to rely on your IT department to produce numbers, analyze data, and provide you with the numerical tools you need to make decisions.

Retain good talents

One of the best ways to reduce turnover and retain good talent is to upskill your employees. It’s a win-win, because they manage to put something on their resume and you can leverage those skills immediately. Not only can they perform legacy tasks more efficiently, but they can use their new skills to develop new processes and ideas to improve your organization overall.

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